Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

I had my 8 week KOSAMA post assessment today and there were some very interesting results. I'll start with the good ones. My waist measured 3 inches smaller and my chest was 1/2 an inch smaller. I'm pretty happy with that and I can't wait to see how much more progress I'll have in 8 more weeks. Next my bicep measurement stayed the same un-flexed and increased by 3/4 of inch flexed, so the guns are starting to look pretty ripped. The number of push-ups I did went from 14 to 24 and the number of sit-ups in 60 seconds went from 19 to 44. So I'm definitely seeing big gains in strength too.

Now on to the slightly disappointing results. The big one was my weight didn't come down at all. Still about 311 pounds. My chin-ups were still 0, and I was only able to hang with my elbows at 90 degrees for 2 seconds. What can I say, I'm a big guy, chin-ups are hard, I'll keep working. My wall sit time went down for some odd reason. I think maybe I just didn't quite have my feet positioned correctly so my quads fatigued too quickly. Who knows, try again in 8 weeks.

Now, since it is New Year's Eve, I'm going to list some goals and resolutions for the next eight weeks and for the entire year.

Next 8 week assessment:
1. Weight = under 300 lbs.
2. Waist = lose another 3 inches.
3. Push-ups = do 30 without stopping
4. Sit-ups = do 54 in 60 seconds
5. Chin-ups = hang for 5 seconds. I would like to say 1 chin-up, but I don't think that's quite within range yet.
6. Wall sit = 2 minutes

2012 goals
1. Eat Healthier
2. Drink just a little bit less beer.
3. I'll leave this one open for reader comments, so post your suggestions below and I'll determine from those what to put in the 3rd goal slot.


  1. Move to Des Moines!

  2. How about parking farther away when you go to the store so that you have to walk farther in and out? I think you're doing awesome and am trying to send lots of energy your way :) Have fun!
